That a counter with the target reached → reset system, running a quarter second after the cutter, resets as normal, on multiple attempts. So there still probably aren’t ticks. But while it’s possible it measures on the second, it’s unlikely.

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That is not what I’m finding. Weird.

I have this setup:

The bottom mechanism is literally just a cutter, typical oneloop 300 hit recursion.
The right mechanism is a confirm mech, which increments on the repeater, and – when it hits a target value – will reset in an 0 1 0 1 pattern.
The trigger has a .25 delay and then sends to increment the confirm mech in the top left, which has the same pattern as the other one except instead of being incremented via channel, it’s by wire.
The repeater has a 1 second delay and sends out signals to a) the right confirm mech b) the cutter and c) the trigger.
Is that what you did?

In my system, the cutter cuts the control mech and indefinitely stalls the test mech at 1.
Honestly, what I’m confused about is why the test gets to 1. Maybe wires have some sort of cooldown period before the game begins?

Strange, mine behaves similarly, but stalls at 0. I would assume this is due to it being incremented and reset over and over, as I can see it pulsing. The only difference in our systems I can see, is my repeater is 0.5 seconds, not 1.

So the cutter does work then? I thought you said it didnt.

also yeah im having issues with the cutter size for some reason 2 isnt working

It doesn’t work on the test. That’s what happened to me.

Strange, mine behaves similarly, but stalls at 0.

if the cutter is working, it will stall and not move forward. if the cutter is not working, it would function as usual. which one is happening lol

It’s resetting.

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Whaaaaat? How is that possible?


I am going to assume lag.

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No, it’s not lag.

As I said in the guide, it has to do with a wire signal cap of 350 per second.


So it’s lag but also not lag. It would cause lag so they stop it. It’s pseudo-lag (here comes the clickbaity titles)


No, it has nothing to do with lag. You’re hitting the hard-coded cap.

is it bad form to bump my own post? :thinking:

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The final blow to ticks: If ticks existed, then the counter’s wire should happen due to AUO. However, it doesn’t, so there’s something else.


I think it measures in sub-second intervals, not ticks.

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So basically, the counter triggers at the end of one interval and at the start of the other, the recursion triggers?

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No, they trigger in the same interval. That’s why the only difference in their triggering time can be due to AUO, otherwise it doesn’t cut.

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But then, the counter’s wire has to happen first, and the wire limit is hit after it runs. Thats how I eliminated the possibility of ticks fully.

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Depends on how you build it?

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In the post, shdwy built the counter’s wire first.

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But mine ran in the same second without cutting.

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