Here are the options for making a poll:
Simple Mode
Single Choice
Single Choice allows you to make a poll where people can only choose one type of answer.
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice allows you to choose many answers in a poll.
Advanced Options
To enter this mode, click the icon then you will now be in advanced options.
Single Choice
Title: Allows you to put a title on the poll
Options: Provides poll settings
Limit voting to these groups: Limits voting to a certain trust level or group of people
Automatically close poll: Closes poll on set-date.
Show Results: Determines if poll results are visible or not
Result Chart: Bar displays the results in an ascending bar fashion. Pie displays the results in a pie-form.
Show who voted: Determines if the people are shown.
Multiple Choice
Min/Max Choices: Determines the minimum and maximum amount of choices that can be put in a poll.
Number Rating
This mode allows you to use a number rating in a poll.
Step determines how much of an increment the poll goes up per choice.
Note: You cannot make pie-charts in this mode.
Bar Poll where TL2 can vote and results are public.
- Yes
- No
Pie poll with multiple choices:
- Pizza
- Hamburger
- Hotdogs
- Sandwiches
- Wings
Numeric poll example:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10