first,build a four wall jail and add a button by the jail then put trigger and set the settings to triggered by collision, no then wire the button to the trigger and click button clicked trigger
then wire it to the four walls and do trigger pressed deactivate prop and finally add another trigger set triggered by collision to no and 5 sec delay wire the button to this trigger to and set it to button presses trigger and quickly wire the trigger to all four sides and do triggered show prop
and this is it I would do pictures and caps but they aren’t working
What do you mean they aren’t working? Also, this is super short. If you need to, please use a draft by clicking the close button, then save draft for later.
Edit: Also, try to break this up, it is essentially one giant sentence, which is super hard to read.
Welcome! Like already stated above, this guide needs some work! Here’s some random guides that you can take inspiration from on how to organize your next guide!
that was a nice guide though there can be ways you can improve this!
add pictures! pictures help better understand what you’re trying to show to the community and make your guide seem less short!
more words! you may get flagged for a short guide, so add some more words!
organization. this helps people read it easier, and make the guide look better!
(just read the last sentence. maybe ask someone who can edit this for you! and i’m also assuming they can’t add pictures because they joined five minutes ago.)