How to check if someone is outside a zone?

You could try making it damage you by default, then turn off the damager when the player enters the zone, and turn it back on if they leave.

Pseudo-Health. I’ll try it soon.

Ok! It should work with Psuedo-Health, so good luck!

You wanting for like when they leave the zone?

What is Psuedo-Health?

It has to do with properties that fake a health thing so then you die from like a placebo effect

If it uses properties, doesn’t fit into the thinner category of PPs? Or is that something else?

Have a property that is true/false, with the default being true.
This property will answer “Is the player outside the zone?”.
Have it so when they enter, it broadcasts to a trigger and it becomes false,
and then it broadcasts to a different trigger that makes it true again once they exit.
This should set up a constant way for the game to check if they’re outside it or not.
Hope this helps!

Are you trying to do a storm type thing like on a battle royale? If so, I can give you a guide. Just give me a couple minutes.

Yes, I’m trying to do exactly that

Give me a second. I’ll look and see if there a guide on that.

Here you go!

mark a solution please.

I already found this guide and it didn’t really work

Really? Ok. Hold up, let me see if there’s another one

Did you try what I suggested? Did it work? It should.

I read all these comments and I agree, it should work

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I can’t, I’m in the middle of making a very long guide. Checkers (the game), to be exact. I digress, let’s stay on topic.

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@Bobo Mark a solution if it worked

Did you see my reply? I just want to know