How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

Not everyone just people who will be good allies, for example I don’t want to ally with the wolves as they are enemies of DOD who are my number one want to be ally list. (I am also still figuring out who everyone’s enemies and allies are) But my allegiances lie with my own group and DOD (tho I am not allied with them yet)

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@Godspawnking, sorry, I just don’t have enough time to tell people that I am going offline. Also I read your explanation on Cheesebox’s clock. I appreciate it. :smiley:

We can be allies, not me and DOD tho.

Okay :smiley: Glad to hear that :slight_smile:

I have no Idea if ThatGim will approve though. Also, what is DOD?


I created WON a while ago if anyone wants become a part of it, just see my bio, but this topic is becoming off-topic, so we need to stop.

Yes. we are aggreed. I’m trying to se if I can get @Godspawnking onto my map using Canva so he can help me.

Simple guide for how blocks in triggers work:

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OK, I think that makes sense…?
I have ADHD thats all

Plus it has other guides in it, but 4 and the ones after it weren’t made because the user left.

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The best thing I have done with wires is make a laser turn on and off.

@VWOOM I may have ADHD, but I can help with some stuff. and @Captain-Gim, thats sad.


I accidentally placed a solution :confused:


could i have some help with this?

I can’t get the trigger to be triggered 10 times

I need to see the code as well, and I recommand using trigger clocks insted of repeaters. You do it like this:
Screenshot 2024-01-26 080120
Also, you can go into the trigger and set the maxium amount of times it can trigger.

Ohhhhh I have no block code on it, The picture is everything. Thank you though.

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This tells the real time doesn’t it? Or is it one where it tells time 60x times faster?

its like a fnaf clock

I don’t know how it works.

yeah it worked until i got to 5 and 6 am