How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

So the lifecycle starts one game start then is starts the repeater then the repeater incremeants the counter, and when the target is reached it starts the repeater, and it reapeats, correct?

nvm it works now and that is correct

Ok good, so is it solved?

uh kinda. I will mark a solution when I get it to work for 35 MINUTES :grimacing:

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Good luck.


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Har har har har har har har har har haar, har har har har, haar har har har har har har har har haar.

yes. Even if it is off-topic.

What is Canva? I will help you, but I don’t know what that is… Sorry for being off-topic. @Shadow.exe

ThatGim is the one who suggested allying with BHE. And DOD is the Dangerous Organization of Dragons.
Sorry for being off-topic, again. Just reading the replies up until recently.

Saying Sorry for being off-topic still isn’t an excuse.
Since this has been solved, please don’t reply!

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