How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

I also already have all the overlay places taken and I don’t want to use a counter.


you mean a clock?

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yeah that thing sorry. lol

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the guide that @The_7th_Dragon posted is good and it helps out.


is there anything that doesn’t require a counter that doesn’t include overlays??? @The_7th_Dragon

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and this is why:


I wish you luck on that map.


XD lol it’s fine cause it works. I just need help with the clock that doesn’t require counters or game overlays.

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They all do.

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YIKES that sucks for me

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for a clock i use repeaters and a counter. I made a gimkart 8 but and made a lobby with a counter so when the counter reaches 0 the game starts. but someone already made a gimkart 8 that got more popular so… womp womp.

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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that sucks.(sorry if it’s getting off-topic)


you might be able to use text and block code

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I just can’t use anything with a game overlay. All the slots for those are filled.

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Then you might have to replace one

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there is also a text device you can use

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You could use an overlay menu to add in extra overlays.

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a what??? What’s an overlay menu?

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And I can’t replace them. They are required for my doors to work

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