How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

Essentially it uses these concepts.

You essentially chain popups to popups, meaning you have to open up a menu of sorts.

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huh. okk that works. :confused:

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place down text and insert in block code
Screenshot 2024-01-23 1.07.07 PM
expand as needed

now use some version of a repeater every in game hour to activate the code

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mmm ok. That could work. someone joined my world and now they are helping me. But thanks for trying :smiley:

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Me and @Shadow.exe have worked on it and all we need now it the time (appearing in the bottom right)

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and a hour needs to pass every 5 mins

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I’m working on a time loop game, so I think this could help. You just need to change the times from 9:00am-7:00pm to 12:00am-6:00am, change the trigger delay to however long you want the clock to take before each time change, and make a beginning to where they interact with something for the time clock to start.

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? I don’t know what that means…

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I didn’t know it was active…

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The code by @Shadow.exe is expired if that’s what you are talking ab.

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This one’s by @cheesebox

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As far as I know, @cheesebox made it, because it took him a while, and he came back and posted it on my help page. This is literally his WHOLE post. Other than him saying that it should work… I thought he made it.

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please delete this advertisement

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It’s off-topic, and not allowed. Thank you. This was before you deleted it, my bad.

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So did it work?

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For me and @Shadow.exe we have not tested it out yet but I cannot say the same thing @Godspawnking as I am not him

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I haven’t tested it, but I made it! Still, I am going to test it soon. I published another game before I started working on the one you helped me with, so I had to make an emergency update on that due to a couple mistakes.

Btw he’s talking about my map, due to me mentioning the code.

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Ahh ok

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Was that off-topic? I’m sorry, I’ll get back on-topic.

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