How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

Who’s guide did you use to make the clock?

I used @ThatGim’s Idea (He helped on my map) and it had counters out of view which I NEVER thought of, but it used 7 repeaters. I can only place 2 of them.

And I did try your guide, I just couldn’t make sense of it. :frowning:

Try deleting unneccesary things, maybe.

Only problem is that everything is neccesary.

Let me explain it.
So first, you create a trigger that broadcasts to itself on whatever you want set the channel name to, then put in the spot called “Trigger Delay” the ammount of time you want in between when the time will change, making this not an actual clock, just a virtual clock that changes the time after the delay is up. Next you add a device that triggers it. It doesn’t matter what it is. The reason you add a device that triggers it is because the clock can’t start otherwise.
Now for step two.You want to create a block on the same trigger under “when triggered”, meaning that’s what option you choose when creating the block. Have it broadcast on time change, because this is the channel that will change the time to begin with.
Now on to step 3. You want to set the default time property to 12, (for your game) because that’s the digit that represents the time. Create a Game overlay, then set the game overlay’s
default text to 12:00am, because this is the starting time. Next, create a new block for the game overlay under when receiving on channel ‘Time change’, because this is going to change the game overlays text for the time. Then you put the code into that block in the game overlay that will change the time and fix everything up for the clock, that way it actually works.
I hoped this helped, because I worked really hard to try and explain Cheesebox’s work. I quoted his work so that way you can reference it if you need to. If you have any questions, ask me. @Shadow.exe


that is a lot but cool @Godspawnking.

You can’t say curse words, @Napcat223. but yes, it is long, I just tried to explain it the best I could to shadow.exe. Please change the curse word.

Please change it. Edit it. @Napcat223

Is @Shadow.exe on? Because I just worked on explaining cheesebox’s code for about 5 minutes, so if he’s not on, I’m gonna feel dumb for doing all that work.

Hey, @Shadow.exe I am ready and we can use triggers instead of repeaters, I just used them bc I am lazy but I can fix it.

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Ì think @Shadow.exe is offline, because he hasn’t answered any of the replies we’ve given him… :pensive: I worked really hard on explaining my idea…

yeah, sorry. wasn’t able to be online. had no internet

That’s ok, but read all the replies up until recently. I worked really hard to explain Cheesebox’s work. @Shadow.exe

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Are you offline, again? ‘sigh’

I hate it when people get online for one second and don’t tell anybody that they’re going to go offline again. Sorry for being off-topic.

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@Shadow.exe! Are you on now? I waited two hours! I’m sorry, but I need you to read the replies up until recently. Like I said, I worked hard on my explanation.

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Be patient, he hath a busy schedule.


Btw @VWOOM, I read your Bio, and @Shadow.exe is a part of the FOP. So if I were you, I would check his allegiances. So am I. So sorry for being off-topic.


Hew, @VWOOM why are we your enemies? I would like to be allies. (Is it becuase I want to be allied with DOD?)


@ThatGim, If you want to be allied with everyone, then who are our enemies? You want to be allied with DOD and BHE? Why? Are you going to ally with WOP too? Sorry for being off-topic. I just don’t think all the factions would want to jo1n forces with you if you ally with everyone…

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