How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

This is a great question. (Choose a solution)

aint happening until my problem is solved. sorry man. or girl

Oh, ok. (Good motive for Gimkit creative, I am bad at creating)

what are all the parenthases for?

(I) (Just) (Like) (Them) (Does it) (Bother) (You) (?)

no i was just asking

hey, what’s wrong with Foxy?

Not the @Foxy you are thinking of…

then which one? never mind, getting off topic

Dude, getting a little off topic here. I refuse to answer anymore questions.


I have an entire 6 am thing. I can give it to you if you want but it is a physical timer, not an overlay

okaaaay. Lets see. Plus it’ll get this stupid thing off the topic screen. I mean you dont like seeing these things thats all

Put the code in the canva I can work for a few

@Shadow.exe But it uses repeaters, though you can replace that with a trigger. Basically you have one counter right. Connect a repeater with the interval of 0 and a stop thingy of on channel but don’t put anything there. And then you connect a lifecycle of gamestart to the repeater and then connect the repeater to the first counter, like repeater runs task >>> Increment Counter and then make the starting value of the counter 0 and he target value however long you want 1 night to be. I put mine to 120. Then place down a vending machine with these settings:

Then place down another counter. Now connect the counter to the vending machine, Target Value Reached >>> Attempt to purchase item. Vending machine to the counter, Item Purchased >>> Reset Counter. Then place dwn another counter (We will use military time so set the starting value to 0 and make the target 6.) Next connect the first counter to the one you just placed down, target value reached >>> INcrement COunter. Then you connect the final counter with a target value of 6 to a game ender an you’re done


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im looking to see if ThatGim can do it. Cause I REALLY am dumb.

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Hey, @ShinyRiolu funny thing that is almost EXACTLY what we did (even though I had not ready your thing)

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Soooo I’ve reached the max placement of repeaters. :confused: bad timing to find that out.