How do I make a kitchen-

Yes I know I just made a post but I’m stupid ok, not the point. I was trying to make a kitchen but… It looks like a whitchen… I wanna make everything interactive.

I went for a older theme… how do I make this without making another whichten…

just search ‘kitchen’ and you get a whole bunch of guides

I tried it keeps saying to many times typed.

did you try this?

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I didn’t but I will try it now

I’'l try this hopefully it works


You can use this guide by @TryEverything And this by @eiqcrmeliutgwhc
Functioning Kitchen Utilities!

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I would use white square tables and add a barrier under it that almost matches the color of the table, then add four barriers(circle) on-top of the table and add 5 super small circle barriers on the side-front of the table as the nobs, and as for the cabinets, just use whate ever color barriers and add a smaller one withe a border on it to make it seem like design/definition, and then add a wooden pole turned sideways on the top of each one(as a handel). And for teh fridge, just place grey barriers in a rectangel and add a large wodden pole(tinited dark grey on the inside of the fridge.

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pretty good ideas!
also, you should check your sites

[mostly the other two not the wix, it’s pretty normal]

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sites, like the wix, Temp gcc(which I really am not liking) and the padlet?


Please get back on-topic!

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