How do i make 2 things. pls help quick [NOT RESOLVED]

the problem i listed is 1 of three i need help with. If anyone can help fix the notif problem, pls do. If anyone else can solve the following problems, i’d appreciate it.

Problem 1. Fix current notification problem(i’m using @Ben10 's design)
Problem 2. Lose 50% energy when tagged.
Problem 3. Make endurance upgrade work from 25,000 energy to 35,000 energy. I have two questionare’s(one with +1000 energy, and one with +2500 energy as an upgrade). Both need to work with the endurance thing, and also have a “Max Energy” notif work.

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ok, that is what i needed, i don’t know how to fix @Ben10 's notification system, but i can help with the other problem. for an endurance upgrade.

You should have two inventory item managers, one with your low, and one with your high.
Here’s the setting with for the low one:

Here’s the high one:

then you to wire a vending machine (hopefully that’s what your using) to the high item manager with these settings:

that should work

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@TortoiseTank2 im counfused again bcuz i looked and you posted this earlier

that was a reply to me and you liked my tutorial what happened! now you say it doesn’t work!

um idk what happened, but the system would randomly not send

ok, that’s fine, just wondering, sorry if i sounded mean i overreacted

did you test the endurance upgrade

it works great excpet for one problem
now, the “energy full” notification is appearing whenever i answer a question
currently, im going through my notification system to try to fix it, but thats about it

how much energy is your max

25000 → 35000

how much energy are you getting per question

well i have an upgrade making it from 1000 → 2500

bc of that, i have two questionares
so i have to use lots of different wires, and it could screw my system up

any ideas how to fix the lose 50% energy when tagged?

i’ll work on it, i think i might know…

this is what i’ve done:

when player tagged by someone else, item granter runs block. Block:


i gtg for an hour
so ill check on this in 1 hr

here i made a guide

@Here_to_help it doesnt work
@Ben10 your notif system doesnt work

Then you did it wrong. I already tested it… It should work

Well, you could use relays to specify a specific team to send the notif to…

can u show me