How do i make 2 things. pls help quick [NOT RESOLVED]

@TortoiseTank2 I’ll make you a better tutorial later for the notification system

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how did you set up the triggers

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um when triggered, send notification

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could u try to post it by today?

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Ya, i’ll post it in an hour or two

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Step 1: Place down a repeater and a lifecycle event, then wire them as shown

Step 2: Edit the contents of the repeater to match this image

Step 3: Place, then click on the notification block, go into the all options section, then scroll down and edit these

(This is to make the popup appear in the right place for the right amount of time)

Step 4: In notifications, click on block, then “When receiving on channel” and write sendNotif

Step 5: Write down the code

Step 6: Exit out of the coding screen and place down a property block. Open it up then edit the contents like so

I tested this out and it should work if you read carefully. If anything is not clear enough, let me know and I’ll explain it.


well it worked…
but the notifcation will only send to one team
on top of that, the team getting the notification might not even be on team one, meaning they’re supposed to run away, not tag

i think a solution could be a way so if property istag is true and triggering player’s team is 1, then do “Go Tag!” otherwise
do “Run Away!”
i tried this and it wouldnt it, but i suck at doing this stuff
could u try and see if u can do smth like that?

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i wasn’t specific enough with the triggers in my tutorial, so if @Ben10 's doesn’t work, you can try mine again.
here are the settings:

those two should be connected to the go tag notification

those two should be connected to the run away popup

hopefully it works this time

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should the notifications send to everyone or what?

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also, for some odd reason, team 2, the one running away, still isnt getting a notification

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in the notification settings it needs to be ‘all on triggering players team’

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ugh this notification system hates me
it wont even rlly send a notification

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try using a different device, like game overlay

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ok well i turned on @Ben10 's notif system
and that works, but only sending to me

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just to make sure, the tag switching works, right

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for @Ben10 's?

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i’m confused, who’s tutorial are you using and what is and isn’t working

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ok i used your tutorial but nth’s working
and i also used @Ben10 's
but the notification wont send a run away notification, and on top of that, they dont alternate according to the tagging time
oh and the notification for “Go Tag” is inconsistent with the tagging team

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how did you set up the tag zone’s for mine

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what do you mean?

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