How Do I Create A Map Selector?🤔

No, in this case, I want to make players select a map.

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Have the trigger increment a counter for that map- that counter updating a property. Then use the guide below to see which property has the most votes!


Use a popup that teleports everyone to the map using a relay and teleporter

Okay, but that’s not what I’m looking for, sorry

Could you explain more, [CustomCoaster] ?

Uhm use a

This lets players choose da map


buttons or a pop-up or even overlays

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you could wire buttons to teleporters and add text if you wanted…

Nothings Gimpossible


Yeah, good idea! I’ll try it

Here is an example
with wires

What game looks like, easy as pie! Btw, you can also make the teleporters invisible if you want…

That’s all pretty easy right? I hope I helped, yay :slight_smile:

If banana1’s post was helpful and solved your problem, I’d recommend marking them as your solution!

I’ll test this out, thank you!

Sorry banana, this won’t work… I’m very sorry

I want to make it so that it is based on votes, and that the player won’t teleport right away… Do you have any other ideas?

I would suggest using this guide @CustomCoaster posted above:

You’re gonna want to pair it with the guide I posted above:

Oh, this is a lot more difficult, you might not want to go that deep if your a beginner…

I think it requires coding and blocks

Yeah it does to compare the properties. But it’s not the hardest code in the world, good for starting coders.