Help on player counter!

I’ve been trying for multiple days now to figure out how to show how much people are still alive in my battle royal map with the game overlay device.
Like for example: When somebody joins the game the player number goes up, and when somebody is eliminated the player number goes down.
Please help!!

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I was able to do this by triggering on behalf of all players on game start to make a counter increment by one. The counter tracks a property called “player count” and that is your player amount. If you want the count to be able to go down when somebody is knocked out, connect a knockout manager to decrement the counter when target knocked out. If you want this to work with late joining you would need to connect a repeater that repeats every half-second to reset the counter and then trigger on nehalf of all players again.

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Thank you!
I’ll test it out.

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I’m doing something wrong, do you mind showing me an example?

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The repeater triggers every 0.5 seconds. when it triggers it triggers the relay which relays on behalf of all players. The relay increments a counter which is tracking a property. The knockout manager detects a KO and decrements the counter when a player is knocked out. Not in the picture, but the knockout manager also triggers a trigger that checks if the property that the counter is tracking is equal to one. If so, it ends the game.

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It works, thank you!

But how would I connect this to a game overlay device to show on the top right of the screen?

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Make a game overlay. In blocks, when receiving on the channel used to update the counter you would set the text to j o i n(property of player amount)with(players remaining).

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I’ll try it out.

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do you mind showing me what that looks like in blocks?

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Hey! Does this help?

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Welcome to the community @Frozen_cursor and @Dayy!


i would second, but i am tired of this

but still i second

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Honestly so am I

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can you do me a favor?


Sure… What is it?


yesterday night i replied for everyone to run, you replied back saying ok why am i running? i want to find that topic for @Anythinger because it was the same post i said why i resigned from the gimavengers. i cannot find it? if you find it just comment


I’ll try.


I’ve looked, but it must have been unlisted, because I cannot find a single trace of it.


same here, and i didn’t find the post in either of our activity feeds on our profiles


i even searched your exact words, and i only have one trace for @Anythinger