Help on mostly anything if you need it

Look here for answers, and questions if you have them put them here.

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I can help too! Also, this may be considered disruptive to the flow of the help forum.

I ran out of posts, so can you post what I edit I this comment and reply to the posts I tell you? Or anyone, really.

In How to get old guides back? [RESOLVED], Can you post this link Community-Made Guides | Gimkit Creative? I really want to help, but I can’t.

In How to Create an Emergency Metting like from among us?, can you post this:
A relay device in tandem with a teleporter should get you set up.
If you can make it so that when [triggering action] happens, it notifies the relay device. In the device settings, set scope to global, or whatever it does say that translates as closely to the instructions instead (because I’m pretty sure that it has different wording.) Next, make it so that when the relay device is ‘triggered’ (for lack of a better term) every player is forced to teleport to the given teleporter using wires or channels. Is that all?

Thank you so much!

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How do you make the laser device go on and off at a consistent pace? I’m having trouble with this. Does it automatically turn on and off?

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Yes you can do that! Check it out here!

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Can I get help on something? How do you grant people cash whenever they press a button that should grant cash? In the event that after pressing that button, you die, how could you keep the cash from not disappearing?
Thanks, BuildingBetter.

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You can use an item granter. Also, about losing cash upon death, you can disable it in the map settings somewhere.

Hopefully this helps!


Please help on voting:

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This is my question:

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Hey there! This is Community-Made-Guides. If you have a question, just ask in Help! Thanks!

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Welcome to the community!

i second that

It doesn’t exist for me?

ohh, it was a link to a pm, guess that doesn’t work

Welcome to Gimkit Forums, have a look around. Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.


How to make a don’t look down clone? I can’t even get Gimkit into 2d.

Welcome to the forum!

The makers of gimkit have not added that yet, but they will soon!