How do you make revenge in a battle royale type gamemode?

I am making a battle royale gamemode. Currently, I change the gamemode to spectator when someone gets knocked out. How do I make it so that they can change back to a player and respawn if the person who killed them gets knocked out?

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You could use a team switcher.

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I am already using a team switcher for when the player dies. My question is how do I determine when players should get back in, because I don’t know how to tell if the person who killed them gets knocked out.

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That’s pretty complicated. It will just probably take a lot of messing around with it.

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Let them see the person who killed them the whole time and then switch when that person dies with the switch team and the spectator button.

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if you store who killed them in a property then using blockcode to see when a player dies, if they are the player that killed them broadcast on channel:____ then have a team switcher set to receive from that channel

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Josh already has a tutorial for this!


Bump because unanswered. The basic question that is being asked here is: is there a way to connect two players with a shared piece of data?

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Rebump because no one saw it.

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Is it even possible to bring someone back from spectator mode? I never played around with it too much because it was really buggy.

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No, it’s not…yet.

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It would be nice if we could still have stuff like overlays in spectator mode.

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Definitely agreed…

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Okay, so then I guess in theory, you could have the dead players switch teams on knockout into a death room, and when the player that killed them is knocked out (block code and some properties) their team gets switched back to the living team? This wouldn’t really work though, because of battle royale…

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But it could work with team v team games with revenge…
So verdict: Not exactly impossible, but very very very tedious and time consuming to do.

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It isn’t possible to run anything pre-game, right?

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I don’t think so. So if you have something that is active on game start and is supposed to be deactivated by a life cycle, it will still show pre game, I think.

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I’ve already answered this post in this post.

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so here it is again: if you store who killed them in a property then using blockcode to see when a player dies, if they are the player that killed them broadcast on channel:____ then have a team switcher set to receive from that channel

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How do you store who killed who in a property?

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