Lets research ways to make hail and rain ;-; like actual rain that falls and actual hailstones
here is the title for those who cant see it all
title Hailstones and falling rain and Hailstones that deal damage if you get it from one that falls on u and how to make each of them
You’d need animation for that, and maybe activate zones and deactivate them based on where the hail hits, then maybe if you wanted to have the players take damage, wire a damager to the zone.
Also, you could use barriers or other props as the hail and have them invisible. Then you could have them activate on numbers, like a group of hail would activate at 1. Then you could have a trigger randomize two numbers so that you would have mixed groups of hailstorm to make it more random.
Btw, I’m not entirely sure if this should be in devices, this is very simple and isn’t like the other theories, it might be better suited to go into Help
Probally a good way but i dont know how to do that and then what about the ridges on them how would we do that or the fact that their bal1ls of ice and can hurt you when they falled and also the rain has to be able to fall really quickly and be able to pile up in a puddle
probably make smaller barriers that just out of it?
You could also use props maybe like corrals and just have them tinted to white, it you bunch them, it’ll be uneven. The only problem is it’ll be tedious to change them for different broadcasts.
but we need it tot fall quickly nd pile into puddles im not worried much about the rain but merely anout the
“Probally a good way but i dont know how to do that and then what about the ridges on them how would we do that or the fact that their bal1ls of ice and can hurt you when they falled”
Hmmmmm only problem with that is when a zone spawns on a player then its functions don’t work. If this is confusing look at it this way: If a barrier has collision on and you spawn one on top of a player the collision has no effect…
So maybe a more effective version of this would to be to use a coordinate system hooked up with a property and a checker