GimGuy’s Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10

GimGuy’s BackwardBearian Rithekd Clacian Myszian Tamian Helpian Wavian Haiasian Stomian Gimsolvian Snomayan Blizzian LoneWolfian Magentian C-C-Ian Unitian Celloian Ca1tsunian Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses [WIP] | Difficulty: 2/10

Note The:
Name Checker And Name-Linked System And Uses
Part of the title. The name gets across just fine.

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You only type what the guide is actually about at the very end.
The title of something is supposed to summarize what the post will be.
Turning a dozen names into adjectives does not represent your guide whatsoever.


we can’t see it very well unless we click on the title and adding everyone who replies will make it spam

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this is exactly why we need to loosen up bud we can accept 1 singular long title if it gets out of hand then we take action as for promoting spam I cast doubts as most of us have learned not to besides newbies bud but anyways I’m gone for now :slight_smile:

If we apply the Kantian ideology of universalization, the meaninglessness of the majority of the title is immoral.
If everyone titled their ideas in a similar fashion to OP, the entire purpose of a title being to provide an accurate summary of what something is would be decimated.

Allowing one case to slip by sets a precedent for future cases to arise without punishment.

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Well, if you don’t like it, then don’t make titles like it, but most people won’t do this. And it’s modeling, but not copying, mind you, the:

If you’re flaggin’ mine, flag theirs too.

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Those are credits to the people who helped with the system, not random people who replied to a topic. I do agree with the fact that it’s unnecessarily wrong though.

If we’re speaking of philosophy, the Bentham theory of utilitarianism gives many people happiness, possibly more than your displeasure.
And don’t bring that Aristotle “Golden Mean” stuff into this…

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is the title
so longian


(I thinkian)

Hey! It was changed! What happened?

The only happiness you are providing is to yourself.
As I said before, you are setting a precedent for future spammy titles, which causes more pain than pleasure.


Okay. Compromise. Since all the people who have the power to change this stuff are changing it, then what if someone who wants to be in the title and adds something can add their name. Like I make it a wiki, and then the person who helped has no reason not to include their name.


Yeah, also I think you should have permission from them as well.
That way, no one gets upset that you have their name without permission.
:neutral_face: Well, that’s what I would do…

Yeah, if they wanna add their name in the title, then they add their names in the credits if they wanna be added. So yeah, someone could edit without actually adding their name to the credits and not get added.


thank you


Mine was accident
Forgot someone already made a guide on it

im gonna agree with inky on this, you guys think that “arguing” is always loud and angry, because thats how a lot of people in this world argue. instead of actually dealing with the facts you just give your own personal, subjective opinion instead of actually addressing the problem. theres a difference between a useful debate and an argument, yet some people love shutting down things as soon as they begin.

there is absolutely no reason to put all those names in the title. its fun? maybe, is it annoying? very. look, you can “do whatever you want in a title”, but think about how that impacts the people that read it. the actual system isnt even mentioned until the very end of the guide, which may cause people who want this system to never find it.


see, its ironic when people always get mad at arguments starting and then begin making inflammatory comments that would continue the argument anyways.


yeh it is anyways adios I’m workin on a gkc game