Name checking system


Well, not yet.

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At this point, I would just kick them when I get a notification.

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Plus, someone could name themselves “greifer” (or any other misspelling) and not get automatically kicked.

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Could we check the last digit then? The first seems way easier though…

Maybe a system to check IF all letters ‘g, r, i, e, f, e, r’ are in the name in any order to ban them.

I’m saying that converting text to numbers is too hard. But if we already have the text as a number, it suddenly becomes MUCH MUCH easier.

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Here is part of the system that I developed to track the “griefer”. However it would be very tedious because the players could add numbers to the name.

Also congrats @getrithekd on regular

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One thing you could do is instead of blacklist names, you could whitelist names. Basically, have a certain set of names you can choose.


Wow, this is just problem solving now.

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@getrithekd Okay here’s my system of whitelisting names. It is very tedious, however, and I will need to find a better system. However, in theory, it should work. So for names such as “你是一个王八蛋” (please do not search for what it means) it would get blocked.

please tell me if it works(It doesn’t work).
Could someone please tell me why? Thank you.

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I think I know the problem. Just to check, it blocks all names, right?

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I fixed the code I created a giant or block that has both the raeB block and the mysz block.

Thank you @here for all of your help!

Yeah! That was the problem and it should work right now! Good job!

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It works, but I would like to have more whitelisted names. Also congrats on regular @getrithekd !

You should just have more or statements for that. And also, thanks!

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Make sure to mark a solution (yourself?)!

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I want to create a guide on this. Is it okay if I include everyone’s works? I will be sure to give credit to everyone.

It’s fine! Just make sure to credit everyone involved though!

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Ok sure thing! Thanks everyone!