(FA đź“Ł ) Always search before asking help!

In my week here I’ve seen so many people post on help, get one link, and mark a solution. You can just search on the search bar, and there is a 90% chance that someone has a guide on it.

There are a lot of really helpful guides and solutions to other helps that this applies to. And even if it is unsolved, don’t ask again, unless gimkit underwent an update.

Even if it doesn’t pop up the first time, search again. Change the keywords. Instead of “talk”, say “speak” and things like that.

And as the all intelligent and wise @mysz said, the community guides are like a library. You can search to find specific info, you can browse for fun, but you always learn. And you can use that to improve your games and thus have more fun while programming and playing it with friends.

Before searching for a topic or creating a new post, try it out for yourself!
If you just ask for the answer straight away and just giving up when you can’t solve the problem, you won’t learn and you might not have fun which IS what Gimkit Creative was for.
Try debugging, checking your device settings to see if it is correct, checking wires and channels or asking a friend to help you.
Also, it never hurts to challenge yourself :slight_smile:.

(I’m not saying to stop posting on help, it’s extremely useful for finding info. But if the info is already out there, don’t add clutter and unnecessary posts to the forum)

Credit to @Vortex-Mist for giving me the idea for this
Credit to @Haiasi for helping create part of the FA

Have a good day and happy gimkitting,



You should probably add more to the post.

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Like this.

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Yeah, you should probably credit @Vortex-Mist

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Thank you. Also put the :loudspeaker: emoji on the title and give it a psa tag.

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A good rule of thumb is to always put the most clear and concise version of your question into the search bar and see if you can find an answer.


Nice psa!

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It’s not letting me delete it

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Or If you can’t see results for that, try using phrases or words in your question and what you need help with

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Don’t delete it. Just change the title.

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  • Teach the user how to search (using advanced queries and such)
  • Give the user the resources page
  • Tell the user that the community-made guides area is like a library! Check out the guides!
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Also how do I put the siren emoji

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it’s : loudspeaker :

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Just copy the text…

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Is that better?

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I thought that the psa tag and psa’s in general are unused.

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What do u mean?

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PSA stands for Public Service Announcement. They’re basically for announcements for that time. So how it should work is that it won’t be relevant anymore in due time.

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Can I change it to forum announcement or fa?

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