(FA šŸ“£ ) Always search before asking help!

There isnā€™t a tag editing badge. You must be confused with the Wiki Editor badge.

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Speaking of which, this should be an FA.

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The thing is, new users might come later and not know about this. I would say this counts more as an FA.

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I also changed the :loudspeaker: to a :mega:

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We should make a forums etiquette guide, or a resources to all the faā€™s. Maybe not as much of a list, but more like a compilation, like having a summary and then the guide. The one thing is that it could be considered off topic.

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I remember Jeff saying somewhere that forum related questions arenā€™t allowed. There wasnā€™t anything mentioned about guides, but Iā€™m assuming they are also off topic because of this.


Searching is a really useful thing to do, as it can simply help others out and not waste everyoneā€™s time. People should be doing this.

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This is in the small portion of faā€™s that is necessary, but not on topic.

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Also, you should probably talk about and include a screenshot of the bar that shows similar posts when making a post.




You might also want to credit @GimAI for this post.

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Thatā€™s a post with history behind it.

Reusable bump!!!
YAY reusable
haha i can bump even with closed topic :0
doesnā€™t work


This is definitely a must read for new users.

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Reusable bump!
(Donā€™t reply after this)

Reusable bumps the reusable bump

Reusable bumps the reusable bumps the reusable bump

Lol bump doesnā€™t work anymore



Please stop trying to promote your guides, I realize they are helpful, but posts like that can create clutter.


@Haiasi did say to not post after this, we donā€™t want guides like this to get deleted.


Yep, the main idea is same for creating any new topic.

@Eeveeborg could you also add this part and credit me? (itā€™s okay if you donā€™t :slight_smile:)

Before searching for a topic or creating a new post, try it out for yourself!
If you just ask for the answer straight away and just giving up when you canā€™t solve the problem, you wonā€™t learn and you might not have fun which IS what Gimkit Creative was for.
Try debugging, checking your device settings to see if it is correct, checking wires and channels or asking a friend to help you.
Also, it never hurts to challenge yourself :slight_smile:.

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Shoot my bad! Thanks for making this tho.

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