Extreme Coding Required (Maybe)

how better? like what needs to be improved?

No, I haven’t had a solution. I see a lot of different things going on. I don’t know who is talking about what system.


yeah just can I get a list on what to work on?

I believe we’re mostly talking about showing and hiding the bushes…

Fulcrum’s post was the 1st solve. His system makes it so that players can see through the bush without it disappearing.

Use this guide:

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you can’t tell the user what the answer is when they can choose

But everyone is saying the same thing. So might as well refer to the OG post.

We dont need to just know how to get ONLY the bush you are in.
It needs to be the ones around it as well.

As @Slim said the idea so far is each bush has a zone
when you enter zone it sets a property so a unique number for that zone only
a checker picks up the number
depending on what the number is the bushes and bush the player is in go semi transparent.

All the answers are either for one bush or completely irrelevant.
Edit: there are a lot repeating stuff already said (I consider repetitions irrelevant since they dont add anything, thats just my logic though, other people think differently)

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So we just add lots of wires. From zone to other bushes. And above their are posts relevant to this.

Use pseudo zones

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Wait, hold on. How does your aoe work for your character @Kosm0-o? Can’t we use that for each bush, but transmit on a channel to see through the bushes?

I sort-of understand it. If no one knows what I’m talking about, see this:

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The AOE finds the distance between 2 players and if they are in range, the player using the ability deals damage.

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Oh, I thought it worked differently

nvm then

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I still think Fulcrum_19 and the others have the solution. To see surrounding bushes it would take lots of labor…
Also, I think you might be on to something.


I think it’s possible to utilize the AOE system but when I was typing it out I realized you will need to use multiple wires anyway so it’s not worth it.
(if you’re still online mind posting a live game in the padlet?)
edit: @SlimArtist20375, I was thinking too small. Technically you can utilize the AOE system. I will keep on thinking…

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I found a possible solution in the right direction! I made a trigger that triggers when the X or Y changes. This is the code:
This is one of the barriers:
So this happens, but it’s one at a time. All you have to do is set where the barrier is.
Note: I used concrete to find the X and Y of the two barriers.

I don’t know if this is very helpful, but maybe Drawing Board by Kei?

I don’t know if I made this clear or not, but I need help with what I am going to try and do next. I also am going to try and do it for each square, I need to add to my code to hide the barriers beside me.

Not saying it was anyone’s fault :upside_down_face:

If you are totally confused, I abandoned my original system because I found a way to do it with each square that saves a LOT of memory then doing it by wires and zones. I had the idea last night, but I couldn’t do it until this morning.

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I still don’t understand the problem: is it about trying to hide the bushes around the player?