Extreme Coding Required (Maybe)

Isnt this solved now?

Mechanic for what specifically?

Like what is OP attempting to do?

Also I wanna help so what can I do?

Itā€™s like this

When you walk around you see other bushes. I was planning on using the corrodent device.

About @Fulcrum-19ā€™s solution, you also need to set the visibility scope for ALL bushes to player.

Okay so first you need to make sure collision is off for the haybales, then make two haybales with one being transparent and one not. Put a zone over each bale. Enter zone ā†’ hide non transparent bush and show transparent bush. Exit zone ā†’ hide transparent bush and show non transparent. Make transparent bush hidden on start. Done!

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Donā€™t forget that visibility scope for all bushes should be set to player!

@Kosm0-o Thereā€™s no solution marked.

use triggers instead they are cheaper

You should always look at previous replies before making your own.

they didnā€™t seem to think it was solved and they never marked one

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Slim can be on a tight schedule + slim still has to test the system
(Although ik it works)

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so people can still help canā€™t they?

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Regardless, a topic isnā€™t solved until the OP marks a post as the solution. Iā€™m not replying about this any further.

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Just make the bush larger than the player and disable collision.
Alternatively, you could make the bush have an animation for a few seconds to make it seem like the bush is moving when a player goes into it.


rn Iā€™m trying to make the bushes look better. This is what Iā€™ve come up with

That looks better.
Also if you found a solution, please mark it!

how better? like what needs to be improved?

No, I havenā€™t had a solution. I see a lot of different things going on. I donā€™t know who is talking about what system.