End of game help

will it still update the score for each team?

It should.

If you set it to everybody

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Okay so I think it works, but because theyā€™re both top left, one overlaps the other.
(but I donā€™t want to change the full placement, I need them to go like this:
Team 1 score: 23
Team 2 score: 19)

Then set the team 1 counter to 23 and the team 2 counter to 16

No I used those numbers as an example. :sweat_smile:
I mean I need it to show them one below the other.

Well the way that overlays work you need them to be in different spots, so just change where they are.
(Edit, I found a different way: make the block code on the overlay like so:


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Thanks! Iā€™ll try that and notify you of the results!

Wait. Would I need only one overlay then?

Yes, if you wanted to try the second way you would only need 1 overlay.

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What will the default text be?


You donā€™t need default text, but you can put whatever you want.

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One more thing. What do I put for the channel that the ā€œblock will run on when receiving this messageā€? (and how would I trigger the channel selected)

There should be like a trigger or something at the end of a minigame that sense the team of the player who got there first (If it is a race or something, you use blocks)
Or if you have some other type of minigame however it tracks who wins, that is what will broadcast you could use something like ā€œMinigame endā€ ā€œtriggerā€ or ā€œIncrement counterā€ as the block channel.

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you can try to use something like this too

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OK. So I did the thing @Crimson_Knight showed, but it ended up like this:

Team 1ā€™s score:Team 2ā€™s score

In the corner of my screen, (the corner part is partially what I wanted)
But I donā€™t want them side by side like that.
(Also does anyone know how to update the SCORE AT THE END OF THE GAME? I added a variable thinking that would work, but it just makes two additional white squares on the side that say 0)

Yeah, I can help but my teacher block gimkit creative so I will help later.

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Ok so I still canā€™t figure out how to update the actually score at the end of the game, but I may have figured out the overlay part.

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Sorry I couldnā€™t reply, my chrome book was locked cause somebody stole it, but I got it back. (It is still locked :frowning_face:) so I wonā€™t respond as much since I have to use my PC at home.

Anyway back to your question what type of mini games do you have???

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Well, thereā€™s a fishing the sell those fish toe get cash which you then use to ā€œbuy a pointā€, thereā€™s a farming one where itā€™s basically the same as fishing but with farming, a maze where you step on a trigger at the end, an escape run where thereā€™s a trigger at the end, a laser dodge where thereā€™s a trigger at the end, a laser maze where thereā€™s a trigger at the end (I need help with that i canā€™t get the lasers to go ā€œonā€ ā€œwait 4 secondsā€ ā€œoffā€,) a find the button (you can probably guess the device for that,) and possibly a mining one once that comes out.

also my overlay idea didnā€™t work.

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