End of game help

both teams, but I can make it so that the wire repeater connects to 2 more wire repeaters and those will only let the signal continue if it’s on a certain team.

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So I basically need to somehow take a game overlay and make it show an updated number that is somehow connected to a property? :thinking: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Anyone have any idea how I do that?:face_with_spiral_eyes:

You need a counter, overlay, and property

could you show me what i do with them? :worried:

Yeah, you want something like a timer right?

I need this solved ^

Okay, I will arrange the device that I made and then will post a video.

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Sorry it took so long, but the system I made should work if you wire it up to your system, you have to make a counter increment when one team wins the mini game, but if the other team wins wire that up to the other counter. (IDK what your system looks like but yeah)
Btw don’t mind the other devices in the video, it is my experiment map so there is a lot of stuff.
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(Look at the videos in order, it couldn’t be a full video because it was too long, and gimkit doesn’t accept filles more than 4mb

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i’ll try it out as soon as I can and let you know how it comes out!

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Wait. How will I show that throughout the game? :thinking:

Use the overlay that is shown on game start

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Could you please make the last video a little clearer? I can’t quite tell what some of the text says.

Okay, I will just tell you, It just goes over the settings and the block code for the overlay,
The block code should be:
Set text, create text with, get property, Team 2 score.
The other overlay is the same thing, but the property should be Team 2 score.
Overlay should be text, one should be in the top right, the other in the top left,
Overlay text should be Your score:, content scope should be team, and Visibility scope should be team.

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@Crimson_Knight Will it update a number that everyone sees?

I think it should only update for a team.
(You could change the content scope and visibility scope to everybody, if you want it to be shown for everybody.)

what do you mean by that?

Do you want everybody to see the updated version of the overlay or just each specific player?

I need everyone to be able to see two team’s scores. It would probably look like this in the corner of their screen:

Team 1’s score: 23
Team 2’s score: 16

Well then set it to everyone