End of game help

Yep I know, I quoted you.

Use the end game device.

Make the leaderboard track a property and make the score group teams.

To see both teams score throughout the game you could put counters absolutely every were.

Does anyone know how I could this without knockouts, (like with a button) :thinking:

So my idea is you have to go to the bathroom, but you have to walk down this long hallway and there are enemy’s. When you get to the bathroom you teleport a backrooms and the game ends/ you die due to not using the restroom! This idea was based on real life events!!!

:sweat_smile: no. I mean i already have a system, but I need to show two team’s scores at all times because it’s a “competitive” map with like 7 mini-games. When you get to the end of a mini-game (or earn it with farming/fishing), you get a point for your team. I had a counter that kept track of how many points YOUR team has/had, but it was a pain to get to and keep track of, and you couldn’t/can’t tell who was wining, (It also looked really out of place.)
So I need some sort of system that shows everyone which team is winning by showing how many points each team has. I have a trigger at the end of each mini-game which leads to a wire repeater, which leads/lead to the counter, but (again) the counter isn’t working.

Try a game overlay, property, and repeater which constantly updates the game overlay.

That’s part of my question, @Mythemi gave me an “answer” (reply # 17 or 18) but they use knockouts and I use triggers and a wire repeater. So I asked if anyone knows how to do it with those instead.

What do you need? I will test anything

So I need some sort of system that shows everyone which team is winning by showing how many points each team has as a notification. I have a trigger at the end of each of my 7 mini-games which lead to a wire repeater, which leads/lead to the counter, but the counter isn’t working for my porpoise anymore.

(Part of what I put up there ^)

repeaters repeat until stopped so why are you using them?

they also take up more memory than a simple zone system or a trigger.

I got to bump the volleyball

? what does that mean

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not with the way i’m using them. See I couldn’t attach all the wires and stuff to the counter, (i have like 7 mini-games that each need to connect to it) so I used a wire repeater to connect those, which then connected with the counter.

(reply from your question of why)

when does the repeater stop?

ok, I have to go for a bit. be back soon to help

I don’t know what you mean by that.
The WIRE REPEATERS don’t continue

Oh whoops. what team can activate them?