End of game help


(not the overlay)

Okay so for the triggers at the end of your mini game make the block code:

Then make the counter increment on either ā€œUPteam1ā€ or ā€œUPteam2ā€
(Edit: you figuered it out, NVM)

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wait. is that for the overlay?

No, for the trigger at the end of your mini games

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Oh, I already found a solution for that. :sweat_smile: (Thank you though!)

So apparently thereā€™s a score property selection in game options, so I ended up having to reroute every trigger to be based on team and then have all of them connect to a wire repeater, THEN make a property called: SCORE, AND THEN connect the wire repeater to a counter which updates SCORE, AND FINALLY I went into game options and set the score property to SCORE.

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(BUT I still need the overlay problem solved.)

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Does anyone know how I can do this?

overlay problem?

yes, I donā€™t know how to set it up so that the score for the game is shown at all times and updated when someone completes a mini game.

And itā€™s a team game. So Iā€™d have to have one team below the other an each score updates separately.

Blocks? (I am not going to read all this.)

thatā€™s one that didnā€™t work

thatā€™s another one

and that one

Can anyone figure this out?

Why is it not working? Do you know?

Make a counter thatā€™s team scoped that updates a number property, and increment the counter when someone gets a point. You must also have a team-scoped Property device which gets updated by the counter. Then use blocks in a game overlay that shows the property number.

I honestly think I can make it but it would take me time. Iā€™m bashing my head in my pillow bc of a ā€œcertainā€ game mechanic

This is your problem right?
Well I think that maybe you might just want to use different overlays to show the team scores, but let me see if I can find something, everything else is solved though right?

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Quick question I know this is off topic but I donā€™t think a need to make a new topic for thisā€¦
When making a guide should I give credit to people whoā€™s guide I used to help me? If so how do I do it?

you should prob link the guides in the beginning, like using a hidden details credits like this


no one

Oki thank you

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