Dungeons and Dragons Generation?

I need help figuring out how to generate tiles in D&D.

It works like this:

You have stepped into mountainous terrain.
Generates a number for a true/false statement for any enemies

You have encountered an Orc.
(This loads their Armor Class, Hit Points, Attacks/Spells.)

How would I do it?


Block code? How would you choose what you do next?

I got combat figured out.

I just want to know how the world generator would make tiles, or spaces that have unique features, animals, beasts and, if there are any, villages.

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randomizer I’ll find a guide in a sec

[== The Ultimate Randomizer Guide == (Difficulty: đźź©)
Here you go

I know how to make a randomizer…
I made a no-code guide about one.

I need a generation system.

I don’t want to have
or early Minecraft generation (there was a wood block that replaced bedrock at coords 0,0,0).

Place different colored barriers when you move close to that area???
Edit: I’ll make a mini version of this

and you can add props as structures maybe

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Nice, but I was thinking all text, no visuals.

okay you would have to create an AI
I think I know how to create one
This will take like 5 days though

Yes I know an AI its a bad idea, but if it’s mostly randomized then it wouldn’t be so bad

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I need more help…

Is the game entirely randomly generated, or is there a storyline like a D&D campaign?

It’s randomly generated.
The generator acts as the DM.

That’s a really cool game idea!

well from how I was directed here i am guessing you want true Random stats and generation
not preset ones

Yes, but not mazes like this topic:

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thats what I am saying

to do that Slim would have to make a whole new system because from What his guide had it was code that was purposely set up to make a random maze

random stats sound semi easy though with the integer random block

So you would need to get rid of the “start” broadcast on channel in the 5th trigger and instead go to a completely different system that can run a second randomizer to randomize what’s in the current cell using the current x and y coordinates.

Got it?

It’s basically extending the triggers using the current cell to randomize what’s in the cell.

Wait I realized you can get rid of most of the 4th triggers code and put all the 5th triggers code in the 4th because it’s not a maze.

Sorry if this sounds complicated or confusing, I’m on mobile :0


Couldn’t you use RNG for this?

IF the Orcs needed unique Armor Class or whatever, you could look into RNG for it.