Don't reply Post ID 74912

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are you sure that this is allowed?

i think this is agianst the rules

yes other people have done topics like this

This is Art as in for thumbnails not for art gallerys, Flagging this

here i’ll prove it

here’s some of them

pls don’t flag every time I do my own it’s a problem but when others do it they’re allowed :frowning:

As @Caternaught said:


yeah but how is it a showcase

this is why I don’t make topics :frowning: cuz everyone thinks I’m bad

BRO! Art library’s are showcases because they showcase art, Lets just stop, do this in a padIet

its prolly restricted for me

It’s not because your bad, It’s just you need to think about the rules before you post.

my school is cruel :frowning:

Lets not get off topic but mine does let me

so is my school, they banned almost everthing on mine

oh well I don’t even know how other art libraries are still not closed :frowning:

Not to be rude to everyone but it’s just other people stick to chatting instead of flagging and not chatting, No offense to everyone. In this case we are just chatting instead of flagging, @Blackhole927 did a post about this

and guess what happened to them (the art ones/thumbnails)
it got taken down and unlisted.

if it’s relevant to terrain, prop, devices, and within gimkit perimeters (as in making map stuff)
then yeah, go ahead.

other than that- it may get unlisted

(I was about to say smth about the thumbnail situation, but I think I shouldn’t say anything for now-)

but why are you only flagging me I’m so lost

this is probably not allowed. “art” as a subject is too broad. If you’re gonna do a showcase, make it for something more specific, and include some examples