Don't reply Post ID 74912

search up art library on the search icon in the top right and you´ll find a plentiful amount of ¨art libraries" but it will mostly be prop art and terrain art
while there are some that are about thumbnails art dont bump em bh will delete them

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Because this is needed to be taken down due to spam/showcasing

“art” is too broad of a subject. Be more specific. Most of the guides you linked are showcasing a specific type of art.

ah yes you say that even tho there are
such guides as
3d art library! (showcasing and inspiring creativity from prop art)
and many other art libraries that are ¨showcasing¨

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Lets just:

Flag → stop chatting → mind our business

you should rename it to “terrian art (post here)”

Terrain art and prop art @metal_sonic-1

why are you so worried about flagging this topic :frowning: I don’t get it

stop I’ll fix it pls

I just told you, I just flagged and I should just ignore this, ima go surfing in the forums

yes, thank you @GKFO_Officials

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Because it is not allowed

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this is the typical forums now
we´re in a new age of addiction and over worried about things we shouldnt be worried about
so we best adapt to it


thats also what im going to do lol

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HOW! this is so unfair I just give up. hope your happy now :frowning:

it got flagged!!! 0_0

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Things will get better someday bud

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I hope because most of my topics that aren’t even bad get flagged :frowning:

Remember, Just read the rules, think if your topic follows the rules and if its gonna help people if it’s under Community Made Guides, as @NotYoyo said

let this be the last reply


okay @GKFO_Officials I guess I’ll go back to depression, watching everyone succeed but me :frowning: