Do longer wires transmit slower? [RESOLVED]

It only counts if it was confirmed by a mod though.

Maybe its Reckoner, staying in the shadows.

Ehh, I reckon it’s not.

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maybe reckoner is a mod

Don’t give me nightmares.

at least you don’t already have them


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I have weird nightmares.

well, i also have gimkit-related dreams, so, it is all ok

Reckoner is the friends we hurt along the way.

Maybe Reckoner can get a Zuko-level redemption arc and become famous for creating mancala in gimkit or something.

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i think of it more as they hurt us along the way

is mancala even possible. yes, nothing is impossible, but how?

Idk, I haven’t tried.

I had a dream that I was flying over a giant slate baseplate thingy and the sky was bright, I fell and I got chills as this old lady… ate me?

well, you could have bead props and properties for every square, and there is some mathmatical patern to mancala, but having the player chose what square and then doing the math would take ages


ok, this is weird, but sometimes i have dreams where all of the gimavengers meet each other and then get kidnapped by the mods, and we run gimkit but then escape to a mansion and live together.

but what! come on @mysz!

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@Blackhole927 would probably hack the van

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