Is there a sure fire system that will 100% of the time detect if a player has performed a double jump in platformer? If so, how?
I’ve conceptualized the idea through using the coordinates device before, by using the Y values to determine if a Gim is falling, jumping, or walking/remaining stationary. However these have some flaws such as jumping in quick succession or landing at a higher elevation.
I think you could at most create a system that worked in certain conditions but yeah, a perfect functionality might be hard to achieve.
With the new double jump crystals, you could probably use those to grant another jump on a channel. That’s one future way to help with this mechanic, might be of some use.
Using keybinds is the stable way to do this (player presses both before landing- entering a zone- on the ground, transmit on channel whatever) but as of right now those do not work without external mods. So yeah, a complex system of coordinates and zones would work, but if it doesn’t work every time then it isn’t really a usable mechanic, correct?
Honestly a near perfect solution would be fine enough for me. I would like to have a responsive system in place for this because it would kinda hurt if the system didn’t detect it say 50% of the time lol.
Alright, then I think it’s possible. We can do some testing, again, not sure how reliable the system could be but if that isn’t a problem, might as well try.
True, but you have to start with a prototype anyways. I think this is valuable enough of a mechanic that we should append this to research if any preliminary testing is good. @Bird
The other interesting thing to think about is sort of testing parameters for the jump. If you can give the system enough ranges that are acceptable, you can account for a lot of typical jumps by hardcoding in their values. Here’s an example:
Typical up to the right jump: Up to the maximum amount you can go on jump, then to the right slightly. A range of values is okay for this. If the numbers (we figure out an algorithm to create one number from the x and y data) are between this value, then yes, we would shell out the dash mechanic.
Now we could in theory, with enough memory, go through all jumps in the platformer and hard code variants of them in, which combined with the regular coordinate system could be enough to be accurate consistently.
You could try doing something like finding what is the maximum height you can jump, which I had experimented to be around 6 in my Map Generation Guide, then see that during the first jump, track the coordinate and maybe constantly check if the player has a coordinate change higher than 6 (not entirely sure how it would see that), but then do something to show you double jumped.
Yeah I’m in agreement with @Turtle let’s make this a research topic, but first, we have to create a detailed description for the first post. This needs to include theories, our goal, and just a thorough description of what we’re trying to do here.
Learned that the hard way from Everest . Unless you put a platform directly under where you’re jumping and then auto-apply the speed modifier (which would be a terrible way to solve the problem, you’d need a platform for every possible position), you can’t do it.