Death Run Help :(

No! Don’t use that bottom one, it is way over complicated!

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im 10 guys XD lets not get to complicated ok XD



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I used dragontamer’s guide i think it also might be easier for you

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A lot of these people are in high school, so there is some pretty advanced stuff on this forum. Feel free to check out some of the higher level guides! (FYI: I am not in high school)

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I’ll give you some ideas for your death run since I’m bored. You can have “cooldown rounds” where you have a break to get upgrades. You can also have lava or poisonous gas that follows you. Refer to this guide:


YEAH!! I want like a lava trap that kills u instantly but is only there for like a couple secs, any ideas?

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Activate a zone with force respawn when you enter!

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You could make the lava slow you and put invisible lasers in the room (laser color black and not showing start and end point)

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After making a sticky zone using the guide @Mysz posted, connect whatever triggers the sticky zone to a wire repeater. For it’s settings, set its “Delay” to 3 or 5 seconds, then make the wire repeater deactivate the sticky zone via a wire.

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PS: There isn’t any terrain that looks like lava, unfortunately.

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Lasers are good when you want to deal damage, but when you instantly die, respawn is better.

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Red plastic is the closest.


Red plastic? Just a little.

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Pink water is also close, but not close enough.

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Sorry, didn’t see that in time. Red water would be perfect if that was a thing.

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I would say dark blue water is nice since it gives the impression of extremely hot lava


The issue is that pink water is very… pink and doesn’t have the red and orange tint of lava.

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I think that would make the deathrun harder if they respawn

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Welcome to the community, @Black!

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