Death Run Help :(

Sorry, didn’t see that in time. Red water would be perfect if that was a thing.

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I would say dark blue water is nice since it gives the impression of extremely hot lava


The issue is that pink water is very… pink and doesn’t have the red and orange tint of lava.

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I think that would make the deathrun harder if they respawn

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Welcome to the community, @Black!

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It depends on whether you have one life or not, or whether the lasers are deadly.

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Has anyone thought of putting a zone tinted orange over the “lava”?

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Would this work as lava?


It could, but then how would the player walk on the lava and take damage/respawn? Is there a way in the barrier settings to let the player walk through it

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I think you just turn player collision off.

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Why didn’t I think of that?! Great idea!

Welcome to the community @Black

You have the line bug again.

Yeah, it is still ongoing. I’ve learned just to deal with it at this point.

Are you in middle school?

no. green fish dont go to school.

I thought all fish go to school together