Dash mechanic help

I have a dash mechanic with a cooldown. But I want it to have a countdown for when the dashing will end, and then text saying cooldown after for about 10 seconds.


that’s the one I used but I want one with a countdown too.

no problem!


Please! I need help. These guides don’t work

to be honest it seems to me you haven’t even read them lol how come they don’t help you if this is exactly what you are asking for, no need to ask for help if there are ready-made, proven guides

Edit:BUT if you have questions about the guide itself, that’s a different matter.

Have you already managed to create them? And they don’t work?

this should work

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You didn’t read them
and this
[1/10] Mini Guide: How to make a Timed Sprinting Mechanic


Hey, i’m the creator of the dash mechanic guide marked as :orange_square:. I made a new one in my newest game that does have a countdown. Spoiler alert, it’s very complicated and cluttered. I might make a guide on it soon, but what you wanna do is
-Make a new text overlay appear when you press the button overlay
-Button overlay also activates a trigger with delay
-After it’s triggered, it deactivates the current delay and replaces it with a new one with a different countdown number
-Rinse and repeat until your countdown’s long enough.

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