Crit. chance with only 8 blocks and 5 devices. difficulty: đźź© (lots of pictures)

To find out what devices you will be needing, go to the devices section.
If you just want the block code, go to the code section.
If you just want to see an image of the finished product instead of step by step walk though look at the bottom of the code section the image should be their
for how you should set up the trigger and life cycle go to set up, for how you should set up the damage boosters go to set up Part 2.

[details = Devices]

device amount
trigger 1
Damage boosters 3
Life Cycle 1
[details = Set-Up]

grab a life cycle from the devices and have it activate on game start.
then connect it to a trigger using a wire or a channel, which are cheaper (if you use channels, make sure it is the same one that the trigger transmits and the one that triggers it.)

Grab a trigger from the devices section.

Then click on it and make it transmit on a Channel, any will work so long as it’s the same one that triggers it.

next, set the trigger delay to 0.1

now set :Can players trigger it to NO.

now that we have that all set up now it’s time to proceed,
And create the code.


now that the set-up is done, it’s time to focus on the
click on blocks tab

then click on when triggered, now place the random integer from __ to__ block shown below. it is in the math section.

next go to variables and click on create variables.

Name this variable anything you want, it does not matter, I usually go with something like Var, VAR, I, i, or var. For this example, I will use “I”.

add the convert number to text (with commas) it’s found in the text section.

now add the set [the variable you chose (in my case “I”)] and conect everything together.

add the numbers to the imputs on the random number generator. the top one should be 0 and the bottom one should be 3.

it should look something like the image below.

Congrats, this is the final product.

[details = Set-Up Part 2]

Add a damage booster, make sure it is not a damager, damage booster have a x2 symbol that damagers lack. You can find all of these in the device section.

Now your area should look something like this:

(Without the weird colors, of course)

Now add 2 more so you have 3

Now chage one of then to activate boost when receiving on 1 and do x2 damage.

Chage another to actavate on 2 and do x3 damage.

Chage the final one to do x5 damge and actavate upon receiving 3.


Advance: this is stuff that would have made the guide a bit too complicated.

If you want, you can change the first number to a negative like -2 and then putting the absolute block before it but after the convert number to text block. You can get the absolute block by going to the math section and grabbing the square root block and clicking on it, and from there clicking on absolute. Here is an image of what it should look like:

What this does is make the numbers 1 and 2 twice as likely to be chosen instead of being: 0,1,2,3 it is 2,1,0,1,2,3. you can also make it so that some inputs do nothing to increase the chase of the default value being used.

you can also use propertys to increase or decreased the value like in the image below:

Here is how you can make a system to upgrade the crit damage up to 3 times:
First you need to conect a vending matchine to a counter using a wire and formant it acording to the image below.

Now add a property make sure the values match the image below the name doesn’t matter though so long as it is that smae one the counter is set to.

Now you need to set up the counter, make sure it updats a property as well as that the property it updats is the same one you set up above.

Now it is time to set up the vending matchine turn on limited stock it is in the stock tab you may have to scroll sideways to find it.

Now set the stock to be 3 and have the scope be set to players.

Finaly make the vending machine transmit on a channel but do not set the channel to anything.

Thats it for the vending matchine, on to the damage boosters.

Have the first one activate when it receives 5 and do 10x damage.

Have the second one activate when it receives 4 and do 7x damage

Have the third one activate when it receives 3 and do 5x damage

Have the fourth one activate when it receives 2 and do 2.5x damage

Have the fifth one activate when it receives 1 and do 1.25 damage.

This should be what your finished product looks like. Note: this part of the guide does not count towards the block count of the device count.


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This is my first guide I have ever made, so if you like it, give this or one of my comments a like, or something else to show that you like it. if there is something you think i could improve on, just let me know. Thanks :smiley: :+1:

Screenshot 2025-01-05 9.33.47 PM
Hm… Wonder where they are

[SUGGESTION]: Don’t post unfinished guides…

(Unless you accidentally posted)

I accidentally posted it

The pictures are hard to look at in high contrast…
…and isn’t this summarized by randomizer guides?
And simpler with no blocks?

I still do not get how your guide works, it looks just like a counter that increments and then resets how is it supposed to be random?

If it’s connected to a lifecycle and a checker, it depends on when you fire a gadget…

So you could abuse it by firing at certain times?
And the damage output would repeat if you used a gadget like the snow ball launcher, the pixelator, or the blaster.?

If you left it at that, yeah.
Though the damage boost will end if a timer manually does it.

What do you mean that was not really in your guide

Wait, never mind, I just got what you meant.

Also, I added the pictures.

Alr, all good!

Just wondering is there any way to unpublish something without deleting it?