Some constructive critisim
1: I recommand crediting other Tag and Hide-And-Seek gudies as well: Cameron's Guide to Regular Tag!
[ 📰 Resources ] Resources for Tag Domination
How to Make an Exciting Hide and Seek Gamemode (Coolian)
2: Also, I recommand making one big guide instead of one guide over part of a map. I did that too when I was new. Making one big guide allows people to scroll and click less and to make less clutter so other guides can get reconized. Sometimes it is good to have multiple guides on something in different parts:
- Extremely different difficulties
- Ran out of character limit
- Ran out of editing time
3: Use this
WON forever. WON is the best. We’ve already WON. (World Organization of Non-animals)
(Just put a ] after the Summary"
This will help to navigate guides and make “chapter for your guide.”
Good guide