Cool Ways to Use Props [Dificulty ⬜ or 0/10]

Thanks you :slight_smile:
I made it in five minutes, lol.

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Great job! I’ll see if I can make it!

Can you add it to the new one?

What do you mean about that?

theres 2 guides on this cuz this one ran out of space

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Then how are we still on it?

Wait, nooo!


The official guide is out of characters.

What do you mean when you say that?

The character limit on this forum is 30,000 and we surpassed that.
Go to the 2.0 version.


How have we surpassed the character limit already?

Is it because of off topic and irrelevant posting?

Look at the amount of props and dropdowns added, lol.
My Among Us TUG is probably next if we add more to it.

No, the char limit doesn’t apply to all posts in the topic, only each post and more specifically, we ran out of characters for the first post.


dang this post is super well made!

Welcome to the forums, @NotRobertJunki!
Be sure to read new-user-must-read and beginner-must-read !

What happens if we surpass the character limit?

You can’t post any more characters.


Then how are we doing this?

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We made a 2.0 version.

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