(Completed Guide) How to make an Easter Bunny to celebrate EasteršŸ°

Do you celebrate Easter and are not sure what to make for Easter? Well, worry no more. I will show you how to make an Easter Bunny to be used as a decoration in Gimkit Creative. Letā€™s get started now.

Things to Know:

Difficulty (From 0-10): :green_square: Super Easy (1/10)
Start to Finish: About 5 Minutes
Skill Level: Beginner
Project Type: Decoration
Does it fit in any Holiday or Celebration? Easter

Materials Needed:

16 Barriers (12 Circle & 4 Rectangle)
2 Breads
5 Texts

Table of Contents:

Create the Face and Ears

Create the Face and Ears:

Step 1 of 3:

  • Click on the purple ā€˜+ā€™ button (Keyboard Shortcut: E), click on ā€˜Devicesā€™, click on ā€˜Barrierā€™ and place one down on the map.
  • Click on the Barrier that you placed, change the barrier shape to circle, and change the barrier color to white.
  • Make sure that collusion is disabled (off).

Step 2 of 3:

  • Click on the purple ā€˜+ā€™ button (Keyboard Shortcut: E), click on ā€˜Devicesā€™, click on ā€˜Textā€™, place one of five of these on the map (You need to copy them four more times after placing one).
  • For the eyes: Click on the first text and add 2 black circle emojis (:black_circle:) - make sure that there are 5 spaces between these emojis. Place it on top of the barrier and make sure that you can see the text on the barrier.
  • For the nose: Click on the second text and add 1 purple or red circle emojis (:purple_circle: or :red_circle:). Place it on top of the barrier underneath the eyes and make sure that you can see the text on the barrier.
  • For the mouth: Click on the third text and add a -) and change the text color to black. Make sure that the text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Place it on top of the barrier underneath the nose and make sure that you can see the text on the barrier.
  • For the whiskers: Click on the fourth text and add _ 3 times, set the text font to roboto, and change the text color to white. Make sure you adjust the text size to 17. Place it on the left side of the barrier. Do the same to the fifth text and place the text on the right side of the barrier.

Step 3 of 3:

  • Click on the purple ā€˜+ā€™ button, select props, select bread, and place one of two of these on the map (You need to copy the bread one more time).
  • Click on one of the bread, click on the blue ā€˜Change Sizeā€™ button, and rotate the bread until it is vertical (up to down).
  • Change the tint color to light pink (R = 247, G = 95, & B = 234).
  • Place it on top of the barrier (face).
  • Repeat step 3 for the second bread.
Create the Body Parts

Create the Body Parts:

Step 1 of 2:

  • For the belly: Click on the purple ā€˜+ā€™ button, click on devices, and select the barrier device.
  • Set the barrier shape to circle, change the barrier color to white, change the size larger than the face, make sure that collusion is disabled (off), and place the barrier underneath the face.
  • Copy the first barrier (belly), change the barrier color to light gray, change the size smaller than the first barrier (belly), make sure that collusion is disabled (off), and place the barrier on top on top of the first barrier (belly).

Step 2 of 2:

  • For the tail: Create another barrier (circle), change the color to white, change the size to small, and make sure that collusion is disabled (off).
  • Place the barrier (tail) on the bottom right of the belly.
  • For the arms: Create another barrier (rectangle), change the color to white, change the size to small, make sure that collusion is disabled (off), and place it on the upper left of the belly facing downwards. This will be the left arm.
  • Create another barrier (rectangle), do the same as the left arm, but place it on the upper right of the belly facing upwards. This will be the right arm.
  • For the paws: Create another barrier (circle), change the color to white, change the size to small, make sure that collusion is disabled (off), and place it on the bottom left of the arm facing downwards. This will be the left arm. Add 3 smaller white circle barriers at the top of the paw (one on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right). This will be the left paw.
  • Do the same thing for the right paw but this time the paw is on the upper right of the arm facing upwards. This will show the bunny waving hello.
  • For the legs (also the feet): Create a white barrier (rectangle), adjust the size (small), make sure that collusion is off, and place it below the belly and on the bottom left. This will be the left leg/feet.
  • Do the same thing for the other barrier, but place that barrier below the belly and on the bottom right. This will be the right leg/feet.
You're Finished! Let's see the finished Easter Bunny! "Awww... How cute!"

Youā€™re Finished! Letā€™s see the finished Easter Bunny! ā€œAwwwā€¦ How cute!ā€:
Wonderful! Youā€™re finished! This is what it should look like:

Now you have something to decorate your map on Easter. Have a wonderful Easter, everyone!

Want to make another Easter Decoration for your maps? Here are some suggestions:

What else do you want to learn to make for Easter for your maps? (I may make another guide(s) on these)
  • Easter Basket with Eggs
  • Easter Egg
  • Easter Garden
  • Other (Please Explain in the comments)
0 voters
1 Like

This is pretty cool!

wondered why Jeffo took down thumbnail requestā€¦ maybe it was controversialā€¦


And my thumbnail request was taken down because it stated that it was off-topic.

1 Like

i love it, but. theres already a holiday wiki.


I know. But this is an individual guide on how to make an Easter Bunny.

nice guide! this would be useful for a lot of stuff.

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Thanks for your feedback. Iā€™m glad you enjoy it.

no problem. for another Easter thing, I would say the basket with eggs.

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Wait, thereā€™s only one for decorations. Iā€™m gonna make a holiday art wiki affiliated with the Holidays Decorations one, so yeah, you can add it there.

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Okay. Thank you. I will add this guide to the holiday art wiki when itā€™s published.

Iā€™m thinking of a cute name for my Easter Bunny.
Hereā€™s another Poll:

What should be the name of my Easter Bunny? (My bunny is a female)
  • Cottontail
  • Fluffy
  • Daisy
  • Lily
  • Other (Please reply with a name that is not on the poll below. It must be a female name and it also must be appropriate)
0 voters

The name with the most votes by March 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time) will be the name of my Easter Bunny. If someone suggests a name that is not on the poll, you can click on the :heart: heart button to vote for that and it will also be counted as a vote.

Nice guide remember,

1 Like

I guess pictures really do speak louder than words. Just like actions would speak louder than words.

Yeah pictures are great, especially for art guides

1 Like

Bella Bunny, Bella, or Bella B.


no sorry that is against the rules so please delete that message.

welcome message

Welcome to the forums!

If you want to learn more about how GKC works, this guide should help!

Block code could also help you when working on your maps, so itā€™s a good idea to learn how it works!

This forum is for getting help on your GKC maps, but always make sure to search before you post!

The rules can be found in the Terms Of Service and Frequently Asked Questions.

I hope you enjoy your time here!

Welcome to the forums! NO sharing codes.

Is your PFP screaming or in shock, @vqnillaxx?

itā€™s the ā€œmy students are all moronsā€ meme

now back on topic