Can you remove health?

Have you tried the toxic cloud thing?

Huh? What toxic cloud thing?

So… basically, you use a property to store player health, and repeatedly check if the property is less than or equal to 0. If so, you respawn the player.

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And I can add notifs so they now whats going on and stuff right?

Yeah- you could use an overlay to display their health.

It’s a really old guide, hold up

There we go

alright. I’ll brb, got sum experimenting to do

This won’t work, it’s designed for AOE damage, but that isn’t what B_urn is looking for. They want a way to damage a specific player with a fire effect, regardless of their location.

I tried.

Just make sure you read through the whole topic to get a better idea of what has been tried, and what won’t work :slight_smile:

The link I sent was meant to simulate hail, which is sorta what they want. Damage chipping away, slowly.

can I bump this topic yet…?

Honestly, I don’t know. Only type of bump I really know is a community made guide.

Wish they made a take away hp device… :frowning:

same. i just wish you could put negative values in the health granter

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here is a guide on psuedo health:

someone already mentioned that, and its not what I want. I want a specific player to recieve damage slowly

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they will receive damage, because they will die when it hits zero. Unless you already have a system with real health, and you don’t want them mixing

I have a idea… it might actually work

This is what you want. You use a property to store a health value, and when the property reaches 0 you kill the player.

since its a status effect thing what if i have it in the game explained as having 2 different shields? 1 main sheild and 1 status shield
and if your status shield reaches 0 you die, no matter how much hp or main shield you have