Can you increase max health in the middle of a game?

It is possible. It’s very simple once you know blocks.
You may want to unmark the solution.

Maybe you could make the player start with this

Then, add health granters. This will make you start with 100 HP and 100 Shield, but make you able to add to that shield with health granters (Just don’t make shield cans available)

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well I suppose that is the one part I’m not very familiar with

hmm, instead of increasing max health, maybe make a health upgrade connected to a repeater that will repeat the health upgrade making it so that the player will barely lose health.

If you’re going to say that it’s very simple, then why don’t you explain it to them? Don’t just cut off the answer.

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Use this to begin your knowledge on blocks!

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There’s a shield can limit in the game already, so that’s covered.

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Ah okay, I’ll do it

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@Build-pleasse , instead of showing tutorials, maybe show them how to do it yourself?

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Oh, right lol
I don’t use shield cans on a daily basis so yeah

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This’ll take me a good moment, wait

That’s- the whole purpose of guides. To link to instead of explaining all of it.

Except Build-pleasse doesn’t link a guide that helps.

Huh. I thought it was to explain it yourself…

If there’s any way to detect the amount of health a player has I actually can make this work, anyone know how?

There are properties, please wait

I found an actually useful guide.

This is a brief overview of how you can do it:

Slim’s is more in-depth.

Wait- thats just the bar haha- whoops.

Welp there goes my shot at being a solution :frowning:
I took too long