Can you increase max health in the middle of a game?

If there’s any way to detect the amount of health a player has I actually can make this work, anyone know how?

There are properties, please wait

I found an actually useful guide.

This is a brief overview of how you can do it:

Slim’s is more in-depth.

Wait- thats just the bar haha- whoops.

Welp there goes my shot at being a solution :frowning:
I took too long

Combine those two guides and you’re set.

That’s… a lot. Anyways, thank you everyone!! I’ll mark one as the solution now :slight_smile:

I wasn’t trying to just increase that number, I’m just sad that I took 2 screenshots and when I get back on I see two resources.

Whats a lot? My solution count? Yeah- look at my other stats

congrats on 50 solutions @Slim !

No the amount of coding that I’m boutta drill into my friends game :skull: it’ll be worth it tho

I just hope ppl will like it when we release it


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