Bitwise operations in gimkit

I have an idea. Maybe we set the bits one by one. Say we want to set the nth bit from the right to 0. It represent 2^(n-1). We find the number mod 2^n. If that number is >= than 2^(n-1), then we subtract 2^(n-1). If not, then we do nothing. This might still be too laggy though.

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I’m not going to create a 3d graphing calculator, but the GUI will support 3D and might be used for a small 3D based game(like minecraft) in the future.



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Like simplified 3D Minecraft. Not all the worlds and mobs and stuff

Correct, similar to Willard21/MineKhan: Minecraft for Khan Academy (

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Ok. I’m going to break this into multiple posts. I think that replying multiple times to a person can get the system to suggest you to direct message them. So, to not be off topic, I’ll explain in like 4-5 posts.

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So, here the concept of binary: We have a base 10 system. In it, each digit to the left represents a bigger power of 10. For example, in 289, the 2 represents the 100s place. The 8 represents the 10s place, and the 9 represents the 1s place. Since the power is 10, all single digits have to have a value lower than 10. In binary, it is the same, but with powers of 2. Since the power is 2, all digits have to have a value lower than 2. So we only have 0 and 1.

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So what do bitwise operations do? There are both and and or operations. Lets first discuss the single-bit scale. Both operations make a new digit. For the or operation, the new digit is 1, if either of them are 1. In the and operation, if both digits are 1, then the new digit is 1. What we are trying to do is the Or operation.

More to come later.

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Part me understands, but another part of me feels like I don’t…

at least you have any part that understands…

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It is quite simple. In an attempt to re-iterate what was previously stated above, there are to logic-gate operations that bitwise operations do. There is an and logic-gate, which means that if both of the digits are equal to 1, then a new digit will be 1. For the second logic-gate, we have an or gate. Basically, if at least one of them is 1, the new digit will be 1. This can be done by checking if the sum of the digits is greater than 0. Because then it is either 1 or 2, which means that either one or both of them is 1. Make sense now?


How have I not seen this post?

Um, I don’t know. If you could solve it, that would be a big help.

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I am horrible with complex math and with bitwise operations… I have no idea… sorry

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(if you click on a user’s profile picture to preview their user card, it re-renders the image at a higher resolution because the image has to be sized up for display)


@getrithekd said i should link my latest guide to this post:


What is the tag clay-institute ?

A tag that I made about the hardest questions on the forum.

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Got it.

It’s the hardest questions on the forum that if it’s solved, it could open up more games and lots of more study.