All Things Pseudo Health (Don't reply)

What’s pseudo-health and what’s a property?

@LlamaLady22, do you know @Haiasi IRL? It says he invited you.

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Oh yeah i did do that…

Anyway back on topic! Maybe the guide about pseudo-health i put up there could help with your problem?


It’s a device that can store values such as text, numbers or a true/false value.
The property’s value can be changes by either changing the value of a Counter-Linked Property or changing the property’s value directly from blocks.

Click the + button in the Top-Left-Corner of your screen, Click devices and search for the Property.


Wow! @Haiasi badge grinding?


What does property do? I’d like to use that.


The property can store information so you can put that information into blocks i believe.

Could you tell me how for negative health?


Quoted from NavyCatZ

Yes, but how would I use it in my situation?
Sorry, my brain doesn’t work. I can’t figure it out myself.


It’s fine! this stuff can be confusing!

likes post using pseudo (fake)


@Haiasi still replying, that’s good. Length warning?

Length Warning because @GimSolver said

okay uhh
think of it like this

pseudo health

is a property thats fake health
and when you run out of that item (or if the property hits 0) used for the pseudo health
you die

in gkc
we cant damage players directly, anywhere, by just doing an action (talking about map-scaled damage if you know what i mean)

and we cant set health to a certain amount

but we can do that using pseudo-health

we can use item granters to add or subtract health (and in this case, subtract)
if you’re not using an item for the property, thats fine, you can also change the property value by changing the value of a counter-linked property or by changing it in blocks

cool, right?

this can do map-scaled damage.
the problem is lasers is that it cant damage players on a map scale

player knocks out —> activate laser

this doesnt have a 100% chance to hit the player, so it doesnt work for map-scaled projections

however, we can damage players with pseudo-health over a map-scaled projection, no matter where they triggered that action, solving the problem with lasers


so how do I use the property?


Did you read the whole post?

Yes. What is the block, what is the property type and stuff like that is what I need.


It’s numerical.

ok uh
if you dont understand
reread the post or the pseudo-health guide

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Ok. so i have an idea, and it might work. this reply is gonna take a while, so please be patient
Length warning:

Devices needed:
1 trigger
1 property
1 repeater
1 respawn

Name the property Pseudo health, make it numerical, player scoped, and start at however much health you want your person to have. I’m gonna make it 200.

The repeater’s settings should be like this:

Whatever you need to be hail should be wired to the repeater so when whatever happens (depends on the device you use) → start repeater

Now take repeater and wire it to the trigger like this:

Repeater runs task → trigger

Make the trigger’s blocks look like this:

Take the respawn and make it respawn when receiving on channel “dead”

Again, I haven’t tested this, so it might not work and I might have just wasted your time and I’m sorry if this doesn’t work.

Edit: i tried and it broke my game and made me log out sooo maybe i have some more testing to do… @Haiasi can you see what is wrong with this?

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I have nothing but time :smile: as long as I get my result.