Advice for Gimkit people

There are a lot more regulars on the forums then the one you listed. Now, let’s review the options:

  • Voidfluffy: Okay
  • Kosmo-0: Okay
  • Kyro: Barely goes on at all? No?
  • Gim_guy: Okay
  • FersionSpeedy: Okay

So basically, all of the options are fine except kyro who I know probably won’t want to be a community moderator for the forums anyways.

I think you should’ve put Blackhole on the poll because he’s the one who’s been advocating for community moderation all this time. I also noticed that while I was writing my reply, you added my name. Now, I know this is because you thought I was going to be annoyed or angry that I wasn’t here - nope. These polls have been conducted so many times in the past and there’s almost no way that another one of these polls will do anything. Making one of these is not very useful, unfortunately, so I would consider using another civilized method to even attempt to get moderation.

P.S: snooker

(from the draw that gallery)


So, what exactly will the junior moderator do? Just watch over the forums and make sure nothing off topic or degenerating happens in the forums?



i might be on all the time but please don’t put me up for anything that i didn’t sign up for or something like that. junior mod? why would i deserve it. I’m technically part of the new gen too. js stop. can someone close this topic? pls.

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If this poll is going to be used, I suggest actually talking to the regulars and seeing if they agree and want to become junior moderator, because like @Kosm0-o said, it’s not fair to be picked for something they didn’t ask for.

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Whut why am I on their
If I’m Tl4 the forums will perish in less than a day.

I would suggest the people in this poll if you truly wanted to make a poll.
Even though the poll would probably have no effect.


I will ask you, who is the most active person on the forums?
I think that’s person should be the moderator unless they object.

Go @VoidFluffy!

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They won’t do that. There have been many requests for TL4s in the past and most have been considered but there isn’t a mod. A lesser-known user posting a poll that isn’t representative of the forum population is most likely not going to convince any moderators anything, and it is certainly not going to attract their attention.


Ok @mysz that’s a great idea

i’m not even a regular. also a poll will probably do like nothing at all. and, remembering eiqy’s earlier point from the moderation riot, the mods do deserve a break for summer and all that eiqy said.
what mysz said as well


isn’t that what leader is? or is leader just a badge saying “I don’t go outside”

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Leader is like a glorified TL3. That’s the best way I can put it.


This topic is getting very offtopic.

Please get back on topic

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that is an off-topic post blackjack O-O
but fr yes. also, @ShadowGim please change this to devices and mark a solution. you can change it back to guide after if you want.
@ShadowGim people r annoyed here.


Awwwwww… Can’t we just stop replying?

but still, I’ve never seen an offtopic post so offtopic from the offtopic.

that was confusing to say lol

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no. Change it to devices and mark a solution. We’re all very sick of your offtopicness.

Mark this as solution so the topic can close.


When the person who is currently silenced for the next month is winning the junior mod poll :skull:


But if I had to guess… this isn’t going anywhere. We’ve sent at least 10 emails recently, with no responses to any of them, while non-forum related emails are read and replied to. The moderators have come online and dealt with some smaller issues (think berry) but nobody who participated in the riot appears to have been punished.

I think the mods are choosing to ignore the issue, because they don’t want to pick a mod, but they also don’t want to acknowledge that they won’t, because they’ve seen that most of the active (and even inactive) people on the forums want one, and if they deny it again, they could run the risk of making everyone angrier.

So… I have no clue what to even do now. They’ve clearly seen it, I don’t even know how it would be possible to miss it, but at best they’re waiting and deliberating on a decision, and at worst they’re ignoring and hoping the issue naturally fades away.