Advice for Gimkit people

but still, I’ve never seen an offtopic post so offtopic from the offtopic.

that was confusing to say lol

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no. Change it to devices and mark a solution. We’re all very sick of your offtopicness.

Mark this as solution so the topic can close.


When the person who is currently silenced for the next month is winning the junior mod poll :skull:


But if I had to guess… this isn’t going anywhere. We’ve sent at least 10 emails recently, with no responses to any of them, while non-forum related emails are read and replied to. The moderators have come online and dealt with some smaller issues (think berry) but nobody who participated in the riot appears to have been punished.

I think the mods are choosing to ignore the issue, because they don’t want to pick a mod, but they also don’t want to acknowledge that they won’t, because they’ve seen that most of the active (and even inactive) people on the forums want one, and if they deny it again, they could run the risk of making everyone angrier.

So… I have no clue what to even do now. They’ve clearly seen it, I don’t even know how it would be possible to miss it, but at best they’re waiting and deliberating on a decision, and at worst they’re ignoring and hoping the issue naturally fades away.




I actually kind of understand the mods now. We’ve proven that we aren’t responsible. The riot probably lost us the trust of the mods. Next up, instead of looking at it from our perspective, where we have 0 new topics and 20k posts read, look at it from their perspective. They log on for maybe 30 minutes a day to handle flags. The mods only see the worst of the forums, and they’d be right to not give anyone mod if the forums were only the flagged posts. If we want to get a mod, we need to show that we’re responsible and that we are capable of moderating a community.

Chat here:

Blackjack: Yes, you are correct.

chunky: like voidfluffy’s wiki post on gimpossible’s riot, idk but should there be a wiki chat post here? because it’s just continuing the off-topic stuff, and you can’t reply anymore anyway

Fersion: Yeah, getritthekd is probably right. With the riot we’ve attended, our mod trust is probably in 0-10%. I’m not saying the mods are rude, but i’m just saying that i think we lost almost all of our trust for being responsible for TL4.

Fluffy: Mab just leave everything alone for now and wait for everything to settle first, then discuss


Argument for why it’s not our fault

You can’t expect a very lightly moderated community to behave. We do a decent job of self moderation, but without any real power it’s just inevitable that stuff will happen. I can’t find myself able to work up much sympathy for the mods in this case, because I don’t think they knew about the riot for a good period of time. Sure, the moderators have to expect stuff from the community, but that goes both ways.

Imagine if in the discord, the mods just weren’t online throughout all sorts of incidents- the discord community would start to get unhappy (this actually did happen once). Right now, the discord mods expect the discord to behave, and mostly just have to fix small issues every now and then, as far as I know. The reason the discord mods don’t have to deal with riots is because they do what the discord expects of them. Taking care of issues, and doing it fast.

This isn’t some exclusive-to-the-GKC-forums thing, there’s always a two way relationship between mods and community, and when one end slackens, things never go well. When the community stops behaving well, the moderators make things stricter. When the moderators don’t do their job, the community starts misbehaving.

Ideally, neither of these things should happen, but things aren’t perfect. It’s happening here, and it’s happened in the discord before. The bottom line in my opinion is that we aren’t really to blame, this is what happens when moderation isn’t good. It’s to be expected. It’s happened before, and it will happen again, whether it be here or some place else.

I don’t think this is a “we’ve lost the mods trust by misbehaving”. I think this is a “the mods have lost our trust by not stopping all of this from happening”.

Countering a counter argument

The obvious response from the mods is “We trust you all to behave, and you made the issue worse by not doing so”. While it’s correct, we could just sit here silently, the problem is that when the forums become a mess, they just aren’t fun to be on. Nobody wants to log on and see a gimcraftor incident.

Sure, it’s better for the forums if we shut up. Sure, it’s less of a mess. Less work for the mods.

But in the end, if we don’t try and do something, what’s gonna happen? The forums will continue to remain the same barely moderated place, thought of as one of the pits of the gimkit community. We care about this place. We don’t want it to die. We want it to be a productive, fun, and respectable platform. If we shut up, at the current rate, none of that will ever happen.

(If the mods are reading this, I kid you not, forum moderation is a literal joke in the discord. Seriously.)


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