Advice for Gimkit people

speedy kitty dragon I love your art!

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thanks!! :3
wait how did you know my full (online) name :0

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it’s not really like saying that will really do anything. just a rallying cry or something?

wait a minute, you might be getting ideas

so if you spam that, then you’re making the forums worse with clutter [1] and just like lenin, you’re not going to see the change you’ve made

also jorj it’s speedy, ofc the art is going to be good (no offense to anyone else. fluffy please don’t eat me). anyways, gonna get speedy’s milk

  1. albeit for a good cause, but spamming might backfire if the mods want to teach people a lesson. alternatively, wait, lemme think. ↩︎


no no…it’s like this…


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Jeffo! Come on! Jeffooo

Bruh this is just spam at this point. I also don’t think you need the other people’s advice section, as people can just scroll down to see them.


I didn’t.
I said speedy kitty dragon. Not Speedy Kitty Dragon 1490…


oh ok, (i guess speedykittydragon is still kinda my full online name, idk)

also wow, ive never been recognized from yt lol


forums are falling apart and things suck topic #5 or #6 ive kinda lost track now

Ok I am not going to reply until tomorrow so bye and good night

Some wise words from void fluffy “tis not a chatbox so thy does not need to tell everyone”

I must admit, the forums became a downfall with guides after the art category was made. (And i used to support thumbnail requests, not anymore because game names are mostly in the thumbnail, making you advertise your game).

It went from “How to make a cool chess system!” to “How to make diner art”. I think art topics are overrated because it went from great guides that use cool systems that has a chance to be in someone’s game to barrier art, which had a less chance with people putting into their game. It was really a downfall because i don’t support any art guides (now i’m admitting that because i had to pretend to support them to avoid being flagged by the OP), and again, some of them may be in people’s games, but around 90% of the art guides will NEVER be used in people’s games. And these 90% of people may just be showcasing the art thing instead of actually helping.

And let’s face it, this won’t be a really good community, according to Speedy_kd, and no forum is perfect.
Ban speedrunners are gonna be here, and besides, only TL4s can do basic moderator actions, not be overpowered and ban everyone. They can’t deal with it besides just closing topics they’re in. I know the mods tried their best making a good forum and a happy community, but people have other plans. When they join, they always break the rules, and they don’t read one simple blue banner on the top. I know their attention span is NOT that short, because it takes only like 17 seconds to read the basic rules of the forum. If you can’t read the rules, you’re just being lazy. And from blackhole, if the mods are gonna be in summer vacation, we do need actual community mods that can be active during summer. You can’t just leave a place with no moderation behind.


I’ve also seen other people say that being kind sometimes won’t solve problems - that’s right. If we are kind, the new user will just say “Omg i’m so sorry i’ll never do it again!!!”, and then 10 minutes later does the same thing. And if they do the same thing, well guess what? According to mysz:

You have to be stubborn sometimes to solve the problem. Flag things, and probably just tell them NOT to do it again. But that doesn’t mean we go too far. It doesn’t mean we flag every post in existence, be mean to everyone because they did nothing, and more. And if we just flag them and tell them not to do it again it’s likely a chance that they’re gonna say that we’re rude to them. But it’s not our fault anyway (well kinda actually), they did the same mistake again, and sometimes, again, you NEED to be stubborn to fix the problem. Like i said, no forum is perfect, and never will be. The forums just want a happy community with moderators, but here we are, most of the people wanting community moderation and other stuff. And about the art category, yes, it also DID make me lose interest in GKC, because just looking at a bunch of random barriers doesn’t entertain you. There was so much making me lose interest that i moved on with other games and i actually don’t check the forums first thing in the morning. I’m not saying all the Art Guides are REALLY bad, because, again, 10% of the guides might be used while the other 90% will NEVER be used, and i mean it. I’m sorry if you’re a part of the 90%, but atleast if you’re gonna make an art guide, actually put effort into it and tell yourself, ‘is this gonna be a useful guide to the community?’, but i assure they won’t even question themselves and move on with their day. Atleast put effort into the guide, and just question yourself if this is gonna be useful.


Fr really now all there is is art thumbnail requests and the OCCASIONAL guide.
Oh and also so many people bump! Like it’s not a bad thing just basically more than half of all the guides in the last 25 days were just bumps.

This guide will take forever to bump

@GimGamer1 i updated the quote (you can update it if you want to)

and alr

Ok I will do it tomorrow ok got it?

that was a perfectly good topic (a bit off-topic but started a bigger picture and people are realizing better ways to reply, report, and end a discussion) but now it’s hidden and archived.

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I agree with FersionSpeedy.
Before the art category was a thing, there were plenty of good guides which used a system, was explain well, used pictures, and had proper grammar and spelling. Now, since the art category now exists, there are “guides” that seem to be made by 7-year-olds. (I mean, they could have been. :woman_shrugging:) The new guides are all over the place and there are barely any help posts anymore.
This doesn’t only apply to guides. There are people who make posts that can’t be read (sometimes), bc they have improper grammar, devastatingly wrong spellings, or the sentence structure is off. C’mon guys, people can’t help you if they don’t now what you need help with!
I also agree with others that say that being kind doesn’t solve everything. If you ask someone nicely to stop multiple times, they’re likely not going to stop until they are annoyed that you keep asking, or you get annoyed from asking and start getting angrier. Once, a user was disrespectful to another user on a topic that wasn’t even related to them. Fluffy pointed out that this shouldn’t have been said and was rude. The other user (who said the rude thing) complained that fluffy was being rude in telling him that. Well, sometimes you need to be stern to get the point across. And anyways, if you don’t want people saying you’re rude, then don’t be rude!
Thanks for taking the time to read this.


idk about that. i think opinions should go somewhere else but I like the out-of-the-box thinking.

lol it was a joke
and don’t worry cursors don’t taste very good so you’re safe

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