A guide on channels for the newcomers!

Hi, if you’re new. Or just hi if you’re not new but need helps for channels.
I’ve seen ENDLESS posts about this like ‘what is channels’ or ‘how do you use them’
Well, here’s a guide.

Before we start, let me give you a main idea. Channels are to connect a device to another even though they are really AREN’T connected.

Let me show you how channels work with a basic device: Respawn

This is the respawn device and if you click it, you can go into its settings. For this device, it has one singular option.

(I put an option for that but don’t mind it.)

Say I take another device and go into the channel settings, such as a tag zone.
For this one, there is more than one option in channels!

I can make any word I want, and put it in any channel. If I put it in that channel, and then the same channel to another device, boom! They are connected. (Not literally)

Still don’t understand? Let me try to explain it like this: If I put some random word in this part of the tag zone device in channels
and then I put the SAME word in a different device

it would make them do something as like a CONNECTED device! Crazy, right? Such as if such and such happens you get some other such and such!

If you still don’t understand, let’s make something simple with channels!

Click this if u still don't understand

Add a respawn and a notification. Make the respawn (one and only!) channel say notify or something random! (u can do WHATEVER u want) and then make the notification channel the same exact thing
You’ve made a simple thing happen with channels! Now, if you try the game, if you respawn you will get a notification! Great job, and remember there’s so many ways to use channels and they don’t have a limit!

Tips that I will add on each time I have an idea
  1. Name the channels something that will help you!
  2. Based off the name of something you wanna put a channel for, you can tell what it is for
  3. (Will add when I get an idea-[/details]

If anyone needs any more explanation, I’ll try to add more things onto the guide to show you what you can do with channels! Thank you for reading!


nice guide! surprised there isn’t a guide on this yet lol


cool, but if this is for newcomers, add the beginner-must-read tag


Thank you, @Aubec7 !


Thank you, @gimmaster12345 ! I was deciding if I should put that tag or not, thanks for verifying I should! :melting_face:


Isn’t there already a guide on this on the documentation

and on the forums?


Well, I searched and did not find anything so I decided to create in the forum just focusing on the channels.


this is great, channels are hard to understand


Thank you, @The_7th_Dragon ! I saw a lot of help topics but no guide, so I decided to create one!


uhh the reason noone has made a guide on it because there is a official guide Channels

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yeah , but no one reads that…

@potato1 I know but like I said earlier I want to make a guide easy to reach in the forums.

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thats find, just tag the docs link in your guide

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