How To Make a Functional 3D Printer

This is going to be fun, especially for those who think they are better than you in GKC. Just make sure they don’t know about the forums and you’re good to go!*

Materials needed for the original:
Prop (preferably 3D Printer) x1
Button x1
Item Granter x1

Materials needed for Variant 1:
Prop x1
Button x1
Checker x1
Item Granter x1

  1. Place down your desired prop. Remember, it kind of has to make sense unless you’re doing something like max1’s “Hidden Treasures” guide.
  2. Place a button in front of it. Make it invisible in-game, and place down an item granter.
  3. Wire the button to the item granter (button pressed>grant item).

Yeah, that was pretty simple. Now, it’s time for the variants.

Variant 1 (Requirement)

This time, you have to have a specific item to generate the item.

  1. Repeat the original one.
  2. Nice, you’re back? Alright, so the only change is that there’s a checker in between the button and item granter.
  3. Configure the checker to the item you want to track. Now, wire the checker to the item granter (check passes>grant item).


  • Wire the checker to a popup or notification (check fails>open popup/send notification).
  • Do the same thing as the above, but instead, wire it as a success message (check passes>open popup/send notification)
  • Combine the two.
Variant 2 (Locked)

Merge my “How to Unlock Something” guide with the Original guide.

The Simplest Way

Place down a vending machine and a prop. On the vending machine, make “hide body in-game” to “true.”
Original post by mysz: How To Make a Functional 3D Printer - #7 by mysz

*The Annoying Cursor Ripoff, aka me, is not responsible for what will happen to you and your friend’s/friends’ relationship after the interaction you have made after following his footsteps.

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i just realized i could rename this to “more complicated item granting system”


So this is just a vending machine?


kind of, but instead of the vending machine, you have a prop

(wait i should rename this)

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hang on i have to go now

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How to make a functional 3D printer.

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Yes, but did you know you can make a vending machine invisible by setting “hide body in-game” to “true”? Then, you can just put in the prop, and you don’t need to do that.

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Do you want me to do it for you?

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yes, exactly like that, but with any prop.

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what do you mean by that?

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Change the title.

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nah, i got it (i changed it)

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Nice job!

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look, i 3d-printed something!


better print:


*if you know, you know. don’t ask.

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dang, im 3d printing something but its taking too long
maybe if i try and bump the printer it will go faster?

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